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About Us

Our Story

It all started back in 2014 with a simple realization—something needs to change.


For 50 years, the abortion debate has been clearly defined in political terms: Pro-life vs. Pro-choice. And for decades these two movements have been caught in an endless stalemate, fighting furiously for legislative victories and to sway public opinion.


But as we took a step back and surveyed this all too familiar landscape, we realized that something was missing. Where was the woman?

“When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor.”


— Elon Musk

It seemed that by focusing almost exclusively on the woman’s choice (to carry to term or abort), we’d largely missed her. What about her thoughts, fears, emotions, desires, and needs—the very things that were most heavily weighing on that choice.


By making the outcome the focus, we had largely reduced her value to a decision she could make, losing sight of her in the process. Sadly, many would tie her future, her hopes, her dreams, and even their involvement in her life to the outcome she would choose.


And that’s where The Third Choice (T3C) was born—as the product of a desire to restore the focus back onto the woman facing a pregnancy decision and trying to figure out what to do.

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Where The Third Choice Operates

With decades of historical precedent prioritizing the choice over the woman herself, we knew that the disruption of the status quo would not be easy. But if not us, then who? And if not now, then when?


And so, we set out to develop an approach to pregnancy care that would shift the focus of the conversation back to the woman and man facing the decision—restoring the responsibility of care onto the shoulders of their families, friends, and communities. 

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No longer could we stand by and watch as hundreds of thousands of women and men every year faced pregnancy decisions and found themselves alone in the decision process, as their stories and experiences were turned into political talking points and slogans.

"Whatever the status quo is, changing it gives you the opportunity to be remarkable."


— Seth Godin

No longer could we stand by and watch as they were isolated from their family and friends in their moment of need because they were too afraid to turn to them, for fear of being pressured, shamed, or confronted with political or moral arguments.


No longer could we stand by and watch as needs, obstacles, and lack of support compelled many to make choices they felt they had no ownership of, but which they made out of desperation or because no one was willing to care for their needs. 


And so we set out to do any and everything we could to make our vision for a new conversation a reality. We began developing, branding, and marketing T3C, creating trainings, graphics, and articles, and taking every opportunity to pitch and share it wherever we could.


Cultural Adoption of The Third Choice

At the beginning of 2020, we publicly launched and created an online presence for T3C (yeah... what a year to decide to do that!). We are now working to partner with people from all backgrounds—religious and non-religious, democrat and republican, urban and rural—to bring the principles and values of T3C to communities all across America.


Our confidence that T3C will change culture is not based in our financial standing, the number of people we’ve reached, or the size of our platform. Our confidence comes from the excitement and eagerness that we have seen expressed by those from every background and belief to embrace and share it, and from the conviction that it truly is the solution for those caught in the crossfire of the political debate—isolated in their moment of need.

Culture Adoption of The Third Choice

Early adopters are the catalysts that take what the innovators have created and give it a platform by becoming the platform—using their own voice, influence, and resources to carry it forward.


An Invitation

We want to invite you to join us as an early adopter of an approach that’s changing the conversation surrounding pregnancy decisions and reclaiming the responsibility of care for women, men, and families to those best positioned to help and serve them—their communities. 


Your voice is needed and we can’t do it alone. Will you join us today?

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